What will my Alexander Technique lessons be like?
During an Alexander Technique lesson, your teacher will observe your posture and
movement patterns. She will place her hands gently on your shoulders, neck, back, etc.,
and guide you in simple movements and everyday activities such as sitting, standing,
walking and bending.
As well as conveying information to you, this hands-on
connection allows your teacher to gather more refined information about your patterns
of moving and breathing. With verbal instruction and gentle hands-on guidance, you will
learn to release any unnecessary muscle tension and to allow ease and expansion
within your body.
Specific activities can also be addressed during your lessons. Musical instruments are
always welcome, as are any activities in which you would like to improve your
coordination, performance and ease. Your individual needs will always be addressed in
your lessons.
Part of each lesson also consists of lying semi-supine on a massage table. (on your
back, knees up)
What to wear:
Comfortable, loose fitting clothes are best. Since part of the lesson consists of work on
the massage table, women may be more comfortable in pants rather than a skirt. It is
nice to remove your shoes during a lesson, so you may want to bring a pair of socks.
Are Alexander Technique lessons painful?
Lessons in the Alexander Technique are not painful, and they are never physically
aggressive. The method that Alexander devised is based in the philosophy of ʻallowingʻ
things to happen as opposed to ʻforcingʼ things to happen.
If you have come to Alexander lessons for help with back pain, joint pain, or any type of
pain relief, we may choose to begin your lessons on the table as opposed to standing or
Lessons are gentle, and we will always proceed in a way- and at a pace- that suits you
as an individual.
If you have further questions about what lessons in the Alexander Technique are like,
feel free to contact Rebecca at (619) 787-6376.