Learn to relieve pain & tension.
Improve posture, balance & coordination.
Grace, poise and a pain-free body are your birthright!
Want to learn more about the
Alexander Technique?
Request Info HERE
or call (619) 787-6376

The Alexander Technique is a simple and intelligent method of learning to use your body in the most efficient and easy way possible. Taught worldwide for over a century, it
is a proven approach to self-care. Lessons are beneficial to people of all ages and physical conditions.
The technique is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body. It provides the means to restore the good posture and coordination that is natural to us.
Some of the many benefits of Alexander Technique lessons:
- Be free of back pain
- Learn better posture
- Move freely and with less effort
- Relieve aches and pains in joints
- Move gracefully and stand with poise
- Fine-tune athletic performance
- Avoid injury
- Relieve many types of chronic pain and tension
- Improve vocal capacity and range
Want to learn more about the
Alexander Technique?
Request Info HERE
or call (619) 787-6376

Through your Alexander Technique lessons, you will learn to use only the necessary amount of effort in movement, and you will have less tension. You will also gain the benefit of less pain, more ease, better balance, and greater flexibility .
More benefits of Alexander lessons:
- Improve your stage presence
- Become more present in your body
- Gain relief from stage fright
- Relieve pain from repetitive stress injuries
- Complete daily tasks without aches and pains
- Improve your personal presentation
- Handle stress more easily
- Feel lighter!
Lessons are one on one, and taught in a private setting.
To schedule a lesson, or to learn more about what Alexander Lessons are like,
you can EMAIL or CALL Rebecca directly.

Students of the Alexander Technique often say they enjoy a sense of lightness and ease.
As we unlearn old patterns of movement, our bodies are reawakened to the natural ease and poise that we had as children.